Practical information:
Age: From 3 years old (potty trained)
Opening times : 8h30-16h30
Address : Drammensveien 83
What to bring: 2 meals (matpakker) and a bottle of water, as well as clothes suitable for the weather.
Price :
1 day: 890 kr / member price: 700 kr
2 days: 1 400 kr / member price: 1 200 kr
3 days: 1 800kr / member price: 1 600kr
4days: 2 100kr/members price: 1 900kr
5 days: 2 400kr/member price: 2 200kr
Option to register for the day
How do I register? It’s very simple:
- Send an e-mail (lesmousquetairesoslo@gmail.com) with your child’s name and the date of the holiday course in the subject line.
- Enclose the signed information form :